In the Soup


Director: Alexandre Rockwell

Reviewed by Paghat the Ratgirl

This delightful film reads like a down-&-out version of Annie Hall, with Steve Buscemi as the Woody Allen character, & Seymour Cassel as Annie Hall, experiencing the unforgettable relationship of a lifetime.

Cassel is a gangster with a heart of tarnished gold who wants "a legacy" so has decided to fund the filming of Buscemi's moronically pretentious screenplay that had it ever been filmed would've been about twenty hours long.

Both men are all brave intentions & bluster, so no worry that that particular screenplay will ever be filmed, thank the gods, but oh what a party pretending turns out to be.

Several side-characters turn in phenemonal performances. Jennifer Beale in particular proves she could've been a great actor if larger paychecks hadn't been her goal. The cinematography attempts quite successfully to duplicate a classic French black & white look in the streets of NYC. A wonderful film beginning to end, a particular delight for devoted film lovers.

copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl

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